Since its inception SentrySafetyHardware, an elite brand for panic crash bars, door closers and entrance accessories has been dedicated to safety and education. Certifying our panic exit bars is necessary for business owners to obtain a positive fire inspection report but equally as important: these certificates also display evidence for the vigorous testing each of our models have been put through. In addition to the devotion to safety our commitment to education has resulted in easy to understand product details; defining terms, providing at-a-glance model specs and comparison views.

The know-how and support behind our brand has made us a leader in the electronic exit systems industry. We offer customer service and install support on various levels of the supply chain from distributors, retail establishments to individual installers. The fact that we provide a compatible line of panic bars, closers and accessories has also helped put SentrySafetyHardware at the forefront of the market.

As a distributor we have an amazing amount of versatility. Enabling rapid filling of orders encompassing everything from full pallets to minimal custom orders.

The team behind SentrySafetyHardware is ready to help you with your exit system needs. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a retailer of our comprehensive product line.

Customer Service: 1-877-862-7049
Local: 1-727-233-0490


Odessa, FL 33556 USA

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